【公募】The Artscene アーティスト育成プログラム 2025

ファーストライト・キャピタル社のオフィスアートをプロデュース / The Artscene Produced New Artwork for FIRSTLIGHT Capital’s Office

Exhibition in Paris: Kaiso Hayashi 林海宗《道 - do》
From September 3rd to 5th 2024, The Artscene produces Japanese Calligrapher Kaiso Hayashi’s Exhibition 《道 - do》 in Paris.

岡田友里 個展「湖面の幻影」を開催 | The Artscene Produces Yuri Okada’s Solo Exhibition in Tokyo
画家・岡田友里の個展「湖面の幻影」を、2024年5月30日〜6月2日 東京・銀座SPACE TGCにて開催します。
Japanese Painter Yuri Okada’s Solo Exhibition “Illusions of Lake Surface” will be held in Tokyo from May 30th to June 2nd 2024.

Stephanie Sherwood: Expression In Boundaries
Stephanie Sherwood paints the grit of reality to reflect on our collective being.

David Lovejoy: The Patina of Use
David Lovejoy is a thingmaker, pulling ideas from his mind into the real world with wit and whimsy.

Jeffrey Swider Peltz: A Body in Motion
Jeffrey Swider Peltz infuses his drawings, paintings, and murals with the energy of bodily movement and performance.

Art Basel Miami 2022
The Artscene viewed Art Basel Miami 2022 and shares the reasons to love the show.

Paris: 5 Best Contemporary Art Museums
The Artscene introduces the 5 best contemporary art museums you should not miss in Paris, with a local Parisian perspective.

Art and Medicine: KSOM HEAL Program | アートと医学:南カリフォルニア大学(USC)医学校 HEALプログラム
HEAL artfully translates the human experience to further deepen students’ understanding of patients to fully form their approach as whole people.

Artists' Daily Routines Part 2: Miró, Richter, Warhol
Joan Miró, Gerhard Richter, and Andy Warhol’s routines are discussed in relation to their art and inspiration.

Artists' Daily Routines Part 1: Bacon, Pollock, Picasso
Explore the daily routines of artists and find how they draw inspiration.

Joan Miró Series: Miró and Japan (and Lisa's Grandfather)
In our final episode investigating the life of Joan Miró, Lisa shares how her grandfather personally introduced the artist to Japan.

Sydney Walters: A New Autonomy | シドニー・ウォルターズ:新たな自主性
Sydney Walters explores the balance between gender and piety, often creating a new perspective on this relationship.

Joan Miró Series: Journey to Becoming an Artist
Back for the second of three episodes on Joan Miró, we discuss the personal life and journey of the artist in Catalan and Paris.

Ted Meyer: The Humanity in Illness
Ted Meyer shows the humanity in illness by highlighting the creativity that comes from an illness.

Joan Miró Series: What Makes Him Great?
In this first of three episodes investigating the work, life, and impact of Joan Miró.

Is Studio Ghibli Contemporary Art? スタジオジブリは現代アートか?
The Artscene's Lisa and Eric discuss the wonderful world of Studio Ghibli. Can films be considered art?
スタジオジブリは現代アートなのか?The Artsceneのリサとエリックが語ります。

James Brooks: Answers Heard from the Past
James Brooks finds a way to create deeply personal images that relate to all of us through his exploration of the journey of Black Americans with a talisman-like mask.

Satoe Fukushima: Nuances of Feeling
Satoe Fukushima brings language, money theory, and identity politics together to explore twists in emotions we encounter but can’t name.