Ted Meyer: The Humanity in Illness
Ted Meyer creates work to show illness, disability, or health afflictions, both his own and other's, in order to share the human impact and stories of experiencing illness.
Ted Meyer is a Los Angeles based artist, curator, author, designer, speaker, and the Artist in Residence at USC Keck School of Medicine. In his art practice and as the Artist in Residence, Ted is trying to show the humanity in illness by stressing that there is a creativity that comes from an illness. To translate this message, he has created work to show illness, disability, or health afflictions, both his own and other's, in order to share the human impact and stories of experiencing illness. Curatorially, Ted also creates programs and art shows to encourage medical students, researchers, and doctors to investigate how they perceive the patients they work with.
For more information on Ted Meyer, visit tedmeyer.com or artandmed.com and follow him on Instagram.
テッドについてもっと知りたい方は、 tedmeyer.com と artandmed.com もしくはInstagramをチェックしてください。
Cover image: Broken Back - Provided by the artist