Stephanie Sherwood: Expression In Boundaries
Stephanie Sherwood paints the grit of reality to reflect on our collective being.

David Lovejoy: The Patina of Use
David Lovejoy is a thingmaker, pulling ideas from his mind into the real world with wit and whimsy.

Jeffrey Swider Peltz: A Body in Motion
Jeffrey Swider Peltz infuses his drawings, paintings, and murals with the energy of bodily movement and performance.

Art and Medicine: KSOM HEAL Program | アートと医学:南カリフォルニア大学(USC)医学校 HEALプログラム
HEAL artfully translates the human experience to further deepen students’ understanding of patients to fully form their approach as whole people.

Sydney Walters: A New Autonomy | シドニー・ウォルターズ:新たな自主性
Sydney Walters explores the balance between gender and piety, often creating a new perspective on this relationship.

Ted Meyer: The Humanity in Illness
Ted Meyer shows the humanity in illness by highlighting the creativity that comes from an illness.

James Brooks: Answers Heard from the Past
James Brooks finds a way to create deeply personal images that relate to all of us through his exploration of the journey of Black Americans with a talisman-like mask.

Satoe Fukushima: Nuances of Feeling
Satoe Fukushima brings language, money theory, and identity politics together to explore twists in emotions we encounter but can’t name.

アートは避難場所 | Art is a Refuge for Laura Wakefield
"For me, art is both a refuge and a study.” - Interview: Laura Wakefield, a British living in Yokohama, Japan

Stacey R. Wexler: The Story of Material and Self
Stacey R. Wexler unfolds stories of human complexity while expressing the journey each medium has traveled.

Daniela Campins: Figures, Phrases, and Soap Operas
Daniela Campins shares inspiration from Venezuela while exploring how line can activate a space. | ベネズエラ出身、ダニエラ・キャンピンズの線と共にある作品づくりとは。

Alice Marie Perreault’s Art Practice of Body, Science and Civics
Alice Marie Perreault reunites art and medicine as she explores all aspects of healthcare | 医療とアートを融合させる、アリス・マリー・ペロー

夢の世界へいざなう、戸田悠理の表現 | The Dreamy World of Yusuke Toda
An exclusive interview with the emerging contemporary artist Yusuke Toda.