アートは避難場所 | Art is a Refuge for Laura Wakefield
"For me, art is both a refuge and a study."
そう語るのは、Laura Wakefield(ローラ・ウェイクフィールド)。彼女の作風は、細かいペン画で、白黒を基調にして丸を用いた表現が特徴的だ。
Laura Wakefield has found both of these in her art. Stylized by a fine pen drawing, expressing black and white characteristics balanced within and encompassing circles.
Laura entered the art world in 2017 as she was becoming aware of herself as a transgender woman in Japan, where she has been based after leaving her home country England. Initially driven by the conflicts she encountered, Laura’s work depicted the difficulties she encountered. But now, she wants to express something that no one has ever seen before by challenging all of life’s various expressions.
The Artscene asked Laura about her encounters with art and how she is expressing herself through it.
(聞き手・文:マーク 理沙 / Interviewer: Lisa Marc, Translator: Eric Beal)
“I didn’t think it was art at first.”
─Why did you begin creating art?
I started making work when I realized that I was transgender. I was confused by the sexual discomfort from this realization and worried about being different from my surroundings. I had feelings of nowhere to turn.
So, art became my expression of those feelings. I started with a ballpoint pen in a notepad with these detailed drawings. Drawing with a pen felt natural to me.
Actually, when I started drawing, I didn’t even consider these expressions as art. I thought I was just making drawings.
However, I realized that what I was making was actually art when I saw how others reacted to them.
曼荼羅(まんだら)のペン画(Laura Wakefield提供)/ Mandala pen drawing (provided by Laura Wakefield)
“You can express anything with a circle.”
─Laura’s work is characterized by black and white pen drawings of circles.
From the first time I started drawing, I just loved using a pen. And at the same time, I realized how simple a drawing could be.
The circle has a simple shape, but it can be expressed in multiple ways. As I continued drawing, I began to realize that all of the worldviews I want to express could be done so with circles.
For example, in the above work, the circles express being transgender, being a foreigner in Japan, and being different than those around you.
Gravitating to the circles early on might have also been because I was juggling and competing in juggling competitions.
A question I ask myself is, “how far can I express myself using circles?” I’m constantly pursuing which style I can use to draw out this expression. And I’ve recently begun incorporating color, not just black and white.
“Sickness Power” is a Driving Force
─There are various expressions in your work. what is the source of all of these?
It’s sickness power. Seriously, ideas pop into my head whenever I’m sick!
It’s a cycle of devoting myself to the ideas that come up when I’m sick, and creating value by bringing them to life when I’m well.
When I was struggling, I was fully absorbed into my work. It’s art therapy, healing by drawing.
However, when I’m feeling fine, I tend to not make much art. There are waves of inspiration, so I try not to control it or push myself.
─The sound of “Sickness Power” is terrifying! Your work is inspired from worries and suffering, but, as a viewer, I feel hope and beauty.
Negative forces such as suffering, conflict, loneliness are the driving forces for my work, but it may end up looking positive because all of those feelings are sublimated into a piece of art.
It’s not a waste to be sick or suffering when you realize that you can look back on it and create art by looking back on your darker moments.
Everyone sees the work differently, so I hope that it will give viewers an opportunity to consider something deeper.
“Art is both a refuge and a study.”
─Finally, what does art mean to you?
Art is a refuge. It is a place where you can express your feelings. A place that you don’t visit when you’re feeling fine, but rather when you’re worried. A place that you can run to with peace of mind.
Art is also a study.
I like to create things that other people don’t. And I don’t want to explore similar themes that other artists do.
It’s most exciting when I can create something new and input my own value.
I want to make art that no one has ever seen. I want to do unique things that others aren’t. Ultimately, I want to share what I make with the outside world, and I create with that in mind. In that way, art is like research.
I’d like to continue pursuing this study with my art.
All Photos are courtesy of the artist, Laura Wakefield.