David Lovejoy: The Patina of Use

David Lovejoy is a thingmaker, pulling ideas from his mind into the real world with wit and whimsy.

Dancing on the line of familiarity and unfamiliarity, David Lovejoy creates work that draws the viewers in further to explore the depth of both the art and its history of use. David's journey as an artist has made his work a mainstay in Los Angeles, filling the nooks and crannies of The Last Bookstore in downtown and gracing the Natural History Museum Los Angeles County. Along with other artists, Cathi Milligan and Cathy Immordino, David has opened The Makery in downtown Los Angeles to grow a place for making with and within the neighborhood.

For more information on David Lovejoy, visit www.lovejoyart.com and follow him on Instagram. For more on The Makery, visit Makery.LA.

Cover image: Diagnosis Bookcase, collaboration with Jena Priebe, The Last Bookstore - Courtesy of the artist


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