Artists' Daily Routines Part 2: Miró, Richter, Warhol
Joan Miró, Gerhard Richter, and Andy Warhol’s routines are discussed in relation to their art and inspiration.

Artists' Daily Routines Part 1: Bacon, Pollock, Picasso
Explore the daily routines of artists and find how they draw inspiration.

Joan Miró Series: Miró and Japan (and Lisa's Grandfather)
In our final episode investigating the life of Joan Miró, Lisa shares how her grandfather personally introduced the artist to Japan.

Joan Miró Series: Journey to Becoming an Artist
Back for the second of three episodes on Joan Miró, we discuss the personal life and journey of the artist in Catalan and Paris.

Joan Miró Series: What Makes Him Great?
In this first of three episodes investigating the work, life, and impact of Joan Miró.

Is Studio Ghibli Contemporary Art? スタジオジブリは現代アートか?
The Artscene's Lisa and Eric discuss the wonderful world of Studio Ghibli. Can films be considered art?
スタジオジブリは現代アートなのか?The Artsceneのリサとエリックが語ります。

2021年、最も感動した展覧会3選 | 3 Exhibitions That Wowed me in 2021
パリ、バーゼル、リヨン、東京、京都——The Artsceneが2021年、最も感動した展覧会3選を紹介します。Podcast episode about 3 Exhibitions That Wowed me in 2021

The Artscene is Podcasting
Announcing the start of The Artscene podcast | The Artscene ポッドキャスト開始のお知らせ