アートは避難場所 | Art is a Refuge for Laura Wakefield
"For me, art is both a refuge and a study.” - Interview: Laura Wakefield, a British living in Yokohama, Japan

Stacey R. Wexler: The Story of Material and Self
Stacey R. Wexler unfolds stories of human complexity while expressing the journey each medium has traveled.

Daniela Campins: Figures, Phrases, and Soap Operas
Daniela Campins shares inspiration from Venezuela while exploring how line can activate a space. | ベネズエラ出身、ダニエラ・キャンピンズの線と共にある作品づくりとは。

2021年、最も感動した展覧会3選 | 3 Exhibitions That Wowed me in 2021
パリ、バーゼル、リヨン、東京、京都——The Artsceneが2021年、最も感動した展覧会3選を紹介します。Podcast episode about 3 Exhibitions That Wowed me in 2021

5 Artists Who Wowed Me in 2021 | 2021年に感動したアーティスト5選
Looking back on 2021 art scenes, The Artscene presents the 5 most impressive artists we saw this year.

Alice Marie Perreault’s Art Practice of Body, Science and Civics
Alice Marie Perreault reunites art and medicine as she explores all aspects of healthcare | 医療とアートを融合させる、アリス・マリー・ペロー

The Artscene is Podcasting
Announcing the start of The Artscene podcast | The Artscene ポッドキャスト開始のお知らせ

夢の世界へいざなう、戸田悠理の表現 | The Dreamy World of Yusuke Toda
An exclusive interview with the emerging contemporary artist Yusuke Toda.